The University Publication Division (UPD) through its publication of Research journals, magazine and news letter represents the sincerity of the university management, authorities and faculty members in their concern subject area for imparting constructive and value education to students. The Allahabad Farmer journal includes publication of research articles in the basic and applied aspects of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences. News letter not only disseminate the research findings to the scientific world, but also helps to share the information and trends in their field of interest. Hamar Gaon (Hindi magazine) is published quarterly and includes agriculture-related information, women and child development information, recent developments in fisheries and farm machineries.
Publications:- The following Publications are undertaken on regular basis:
Allahabad Farmer
The Allahabad Farmer is a quarterly (March, June, September and December) published journal. Its first issue was published in 1925 and was regularly published till the year 1980. In 1998 the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor released the journal after a gap of 18 years. The journal publishes current trends especially in Veterinary Science, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries, Engineering & Technology, Dairy Technology & Food Technology, Agricultural Economics & Farm Management, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Home Science & Women Development, Plant Pathology, Nematology, Entomology, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Plant Protection and other Biological Science, Agronomy Horticulture and Forestry, Soil and Environmental Sciences, Bio-Chemistry, Bio-technology and Microbiology, Basic Sciences and Rural Health Sciences. It has obtained a print ISSN No. 0971-9075and online ISSN NO. 2581-3536. this journal is also registered with RNI UNDER PRB ACT, 1867 and assigned with RNI No. 6927
Visit website:
Vol. LXXIV No.2
April - June - 2018 |
Vol. LXXIV No.1
January - March - 2018 |
Vol. LXXIV No.3 - July- September - 2018 |
Vol. LXXIII No.2
October - 2017 |
Vol. LXXIII No.1
August - 2017 |
Vol. LXXIV No.4 - October - December - 2018 |
Vol. LXXV, No. 1, January - March, 2019 |
University News Letter
News Letter, published bi-annually includes complete information on the University development for a particular period of six months in each publication. It helps us to develop relationship with other educational institutions and share with them our achievements and progress. It has an ISSN No. 0971-9083. It comprises of featured News on University research activities, career departmental aspects of Teaching and non teaching staff in university like Awards & Honours, Books Published, Research Paper published, new faculty Members, Distinguished Visitors, Conferences & Seminars attended, Students laureate, Project Achievements, Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Directorate of Extension.
Hamar Gaon
Hamar Gaon was published in the year 1951 for the first time, which generally includes the information about agriculture and its related fields within the district of Allahabad and the same is shared to the farmers in the villages, it is easy to understand and implement the possible techniques during sowing, irrigation, harvesting of respective crop etc. This Hindi magazine is published quarterly and gives agriculture farm related information, like different varieties of crops, , fisheries, animal husbandry, fruit & vegetable sciences and farm implements & equipments women's & child's development. This publication also keeps in mind the three cropping seasons- Kharif, Rabi & Zaid. It has an ISSN No. 0972-7825. On an average there are about 15 articles published per issue.
January - March 2017 |
April - June 2017 |
July - September 2017 |
October - December 2017 |
January - March 2018 |
April - June 2018 |
July - September 2018 |
October - December 2018 |
January - March 2019 |
Annual Report
Annual Report is published annually and existed since 2004, within a very short span of time the demand of this book increases day by day. It gives all the vital information and data of every department like Departmental prominent activities, Developmental programs organized and attained by the faculty and students, research paper published and presented in conferences and seminar, projected, etc.
2015-2016 |
2016-2017 |
2017-2018 |
Contact us
The Managing Editor,
University Publication Division,
Sam Higginbottom University of
Agriculture, Technology And Sciences
Allahabad - 211 007, (U.P.), INDIA.
Contact: +91-532-2684278