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General Body of the Society (GBS)
No. Societies Members
1) Permanent/Life Time Members: Dr. J. A. Oliver – First Pro Chancellor and Rev. [Prof. Dr.] Rajendra B. Lal – First and Founder Vice-Chancellor of (SHIATS-DU) and SHUATS, respectively, (Board Resolution No.– BD/63-2007-13 dated November 27, 2007), Dr. (Mrs.) Sudha Lal, Rt. Rev. Isidore Fernandez, Bishop of Roman Catholic Church, Diocese of Allahabad, Dr. (Mrs.) Reny Jacob, and Dr. S.A. Brown shall be permanent/life time members in their individual capacity of the Society and its Managing Committee (Society Resolution No.– SHECS/2011-9 dated September 16, 2011).
Vide Resolution No. MCS /37-2017-14 dated 9th January 2017, Prof. (Dr.) Ranjan A. John, Treasurer of the Society, admitted as Permanent/Life Time Member of SHECS and its MCS.
Vide Resolution No. MCS /39-2017-37 dated 22nd March 2017, Prof. (Dr.) ir. Jonathan A. Lal, Director (IPC) and ir. (Mrs.) Abhilasha Lal, Associate Director of School Education, admitted as Permanent/Life Time Members of SHECS and its Managing Committee as per Article A-IV(4).
2) Yeshu Darbar Trust/Church (Church of the Society), Allahabad Five Members
3) National Council of Churches in India or its successor One Member
4) All India Association for Christian Higher Education, New Delhi One Member
5) Presbyterian Church (USA) [Founding Church] One Member
6) Methodist Church in India (Bishop of Lucknow Episcopal Area or his nominee) One Member
7) Church of North India
(Bishop of Lucknow or his nominee )
One Member
8) Roman Catholic Church, Allahabad Diocese   (Bishop or his nominee) One Member
9) Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar, Delhi Diocese One Member
10) Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Delhi Diocese One Member
11) Presiding Bishop of Yeshu Darbar, Allahabad
(Presiding Bishop or his nominee)
12) Jewish Welfare Association, New Delhi (Judah Hyam Synagogue, Khan Market, New Delhi)
(MCS Action No MCS/24-2013-20)
One Member
13) The Fellowship of the Free Baptist Churches in  North India, Gorakhpur One Member
14) Seventh Day Adventist Church (to be represented by Institutions in Uttar Pradesh/ Uttarakhand) One Member
15) Christian Education Council of India, Head Quarter- Hyderabad One Member
16) United Evangelical Lutheran Church in India (Person to be nominated from Central India) One Member

Ex-Officio Members
No. Societies Members
1) Vice-Chancellor, SHUATS Executive Secretary
2) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) Member
3) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Administration) Member
4) Treasurer of SHUATS/
Treasurer of the Society
5) Registrar, SHUATS Joint Executive Secretary
6) Three Director of SHUATS to be nominated by the Executive Secretary in consultation with the Chairman Members
7) Finance Comptroller of the SHUATS Member

Christian Alumni:
Two Christian alumni of the AAI/SHIATS/ and now SHUATS who have graduated from the Institute/University, and are neither employees of the Institute nor Full Time Students of any College or University at the time of their appointment as members. Such an appointment shall be made by the Society upon the recommendation of the Executive Secretary for a term of three years. However, such an alumnus shall be eligible for re-appointment.

Elected members:
The Society may elect up to five members including at least one woman and two scientists/professionals and two other eminent persons for a term of three years.